I am Vickey Micah, 19 years old ,a firm believer of Christ and I am a sucker for all things, fashion,beauty,advice tips, health and feedbacks on interesting topics and headlines.
When and where was I born?
I was born in Ghana, West Africa on June 30, 1995, and I moved here to the United States when I was just 7 years old and have live here ever since with my family.
Why did I start this blog?
Starting a blog was always a dream of mine ever since I was like 13 really. I loved writing and I loved telling people about good beauty things that I have tried and about good fashion bargains and places to shop. I never knew how to start it off and I was nervous that no one would really pay me any mind, but now I'm ready to branch out and follow one of my dreams. I figure it doesn't hurt to start a blog now, especially now that I am growing and being exposed to lots, and lots, of lovely things, why not share it with people who are interested. Honestly I don't care if only 10-20 people end up liking my blog , just as long as it inspires someone and it makes someone's day or so, then I am happy :).
What do I hope to accomplish on this blog?
I hope that girls and guys my age, older and younger , will be able to find and look on my blog and see things that they can relate to. That they find what they are looking for.Find out reviews on products that they might be interested in. Get some DIY's ideas to try. Find places to shop and things to buy for so much less, I hope I am able to engage with people all over the world, and I hope to meet lots and lots of lovely and awesome people through this blog, whom I can help and also receive help back from. I want this blog to be a little bit of everything. Spanning from tips on relationships, life, love and health to reviews on movies, shows, beauty products, clothes and etc., to me even sharing my opinions on topics and entertainment headlines news. I hope that people are able to enjoy this blog and feel free to share their opinions and connect with me :). And lastly, I just want this blog to just showcase my personality and the person I really am and that people will be able to see that and enjoy. That's what its all about.